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Monday, January 05, 2004

I wrote some verses for new year and sent it to my friends... some of them reaaally like them. I think it is funny cuz I don't think I make such a great poet after all... I love to write rigmarole, that's for sure... but my rhymes are all funny and this is due to the fact that English is something like... my 6th language!!!

Anyway... since people liked my greetings I will post them here both in English and Italian... the ones in Italian rhyme better nd are funnier but I think the ones in English are somewhat what I wished to myself too. Well, maybe I was just able to say the same things in Italian with better rhymes and more sense of humor... if you can read both languages, please let me know which one you enjoy the best.


Happy New Year Everyone,
>I hope the new year will bring you joy, days fulls of
>deep thoughts and merry laughters, moments of truth,
>days dressed in blue, hours of satisfaction, seconds
>of glory, dishes full of your favorite food and
>costant meals, smiles on other people faces who are
>facing you, no heavy troubles to trouble your heads,
>no moments of sorrow to bend your will and put you to
>bed. I hope you will run in the sun and with pride, I
>hope that your friend you will always remind, I wish you
>the best, I wish you good luck, I wish you to beat a
>record and of money a stack! i wish you a happinnes of
>quiet contemplation and the warth of a family and of a
>pet great affection. If u can do it I wish you nights
>of good sleep, with sweet golden dreams and never
>sleep in. I wish you a good umbrella in a very rainy
>day, I wish you contemplation in front of a
>masterpiece, I wish you ambition to strive and demand
>the best, I wish you serenity when you reflect in
>front of a mirror. All of these I wish you with my
>heart and my soul... happy new year my friends, happy
>new year to you all!

>Felice Anno Nuovo a tutti voi, vi auguro un buon anno
>pieno di sogni e di soddisfazioni, di lauti pasti,
>squisitezze e ammirazioni. vi auguro di passeggiare
>sotto un ombrello quando piove, vi auguro di non
>scordare mai chiavi, portafogli ed occhiali da sole.
>Vi auguro giorni pieni di pensieri e parole, di
>attimi fuggenti carpiti e sole e suole. Un anno di
>soddisfazione, una vita di gloria, una settimana di
>ferie ed un momento di vittoria. Vi auguro buon anno
>se buon anno sara', ve lo auguro di cuore, sara'
>l'anno che verra'.

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