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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

How to plant zucchini and cucumbers

Deda will show you.
First you buy baby plants...

(Onions, basil, zucchini, cucumbers, eggplant all lined up in the picture)

Then have Mario do the digging.

Once the heavy stuff is done... pretty Deda does the pretty stuff.
1) Make a hole with the pizzuco (in my dad's dialect it's that sharp wooden tool you see there, no idea what's it called in Italian... my later grandpa carved that one, we still use it).

2) Take the baby plant from the container and place it in the hole you made... still holding it.

3) Holidng the plant with one hand, you take the pizzuco with the other hand and push the dirty toward the plant pressing it... with the tip torward the plant you push the dirt up close to the plant.

4) Once you are done, press the dirt close to the plant with you hands and press it nicely.

Plant each baby plant 10 cm away from each other in little holes. Remember to water them, keep snails and worms away. Watch out for moles and mice... and maybe you'll have zucchini.

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