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Friday, June 27, 2008

Read your future.... nei fondi del caffè.

Bello, eh, adesso mi spuntano Skamarciamente cuori anche nei fondi del caffè! LOL!

Usually you read the future in tea leaves but I am Italian and so after I had my expresso I found a Heart Shape at the bottom of my cup. Which usually never happens because I get a moon, a circle or just some random spot.
So I took it as a good omen, since I am working on something called The Heart Princess... cheese, interactive magazine for little girls (who probably don't know how to read yet) that contains coloring pages, games and a 9 pages "comic" that narrates the story of poor Lily Green and how she became a Princess. Funny enough the thing got turn into a visual novel of some sort... meaning: the story is at the bottom of the page and the illustrations on top show you what's going on if you don't know how to read. I made sure you could get it even if you don't know how to read and didn't miss any of the key points of the story... interesting enough I found myself thinking that Will Eisner used to something of the kind and, even before him, Tezuka wrote a comic called Hato which had drawings with baloons and narration at the bottom of the page. I thought it to be "experimental" in some ways... it is not illustration... it's not a comic either... it's sequencial images and... I kinda like this format very much (the storyboard in me shout for revenge!!!).
I have done the cover so far... the images inside and am currently coloring the pages with a deadline of July 3rd. Am I dying on this thing? Yes, I am... since I have 2 more jobs to work on, one is due on sunday the other one by tuesday.
Please, God, I emailed Thee yesterday about that thing of having a 36 hours long day... could Thou please approve my idea? Then Thou canst switch back to 24 hours once I am done, just for this week,thanks!

In the meantime heart begin to appear in my coffe cups... is it just me seeing heart everywhere or... what?

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