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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Aggiornamento Osamushi

: grande reportage sulla mostra dedicata a Tezuka dall'Edo-Tokyo Museum! Imperdibile!

Online anche dei nuovi, interessantissimi Secondo Loro.
Aggiornate le News: sono tantissime questo mese! ^o^
Aggiornate Edizioni e Bibliografia.

Che sudata ho fatto stavolta! Uff!!! XD

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Deda.
I called Kodansha today.
But I couldn't get in touch with the person who has the responsibility about that event.
I left the message to him.
But I am not sure he'll call me back.
Anyway I'll try to call him again.

I've found a nice T shirts maker.
Kitaro is cool, isn't he? ^^
