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Friday, April 23, 2010

I got more fan art via Deviant Art today.
I was amazed to find the note who led me to the drawing but the drawing itself left me speechless.

I often have my doubts about Balthasar... will I ever manage to keep it going? Is it really going the right way? Is it really reaching people? Maybe it's easier to do fanfics, yaoi or videogames comics...

It's discouraging... you want to do something fun and original and still keep it at a certain level, even though you do it for fun! I don't know... I want to experiment a lot with the language here, since I am not using a comic language but what I do are storyboards for cartoon... with balloons.

I know it's odd but I am trying to see how comfortable it can get and how much you can push images.

Anyways... doubts go away when you see these things and read that the person was up till 5 am to read the whole thing because it could not stop, right? So even if it were just for this person or two more people... even if it's only 5 of us reading this... I will go on and it's worth it! :D

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