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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sono di partenza per Pasqua..../I'm leaving for Easter holidays...

con al seguito più lavoro che vestiario... ste trasferte!
Attualmente sono su Cross Game, interrotto continuamente da una marea di cavolate burocratiche perché siamo in periodo di tasse e i CUD li devi inseguire.
Meno male che la sera mi svago un po' disegnando.

I am leaving for Easter holidays with more work than clothes in my suitcase. I hate these trips, sometimes vacation come at the wrong time of the year.
Currently I am working on some graphic project and am continuously interrupted by stupid things, taxes are due soon and people forgets to send me receipts of payment.
Thank God I get to draw at night, next installment of Balthasar is on its way.

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